
My profile on GitHub is dmelo. Whenever I start an open project I version it there. Anyway, this page have the projects I am the most enthusiastic about.


The project is hosted at It allows people to listen to music. The project is open source, the code is on GitHub dmelo/amuzi.

It was developed using MariaDB, PHP, Zend Framework v1, jQuery. It also rely on the project jPlayer. Amuzi interacts with Youtube and to get music content and link to data about the music, respectively.


Instead of build the streaming system within Amuzi, I did it as a separate project. The scope of You2Better is very well defined and simple: provide an entrypoint to stream content from YouTube. By developing it on a different project, I enable other developers to use it. They can just install You2Better and use it, there is no need to dive into Amuzi. Moreover, it is easier to maintain the code.

Refer to the You2Better post or the GitHub page dmelo/you2better for further information.


This is another spin off project from Amuzi. The project needed a search box, preferably with autocomplete feature. At first, Amuzi was getting the results from amuzi_search, which is an implementation of Suffix Arrays, that I have developed.

After some problems, I felt the need to change the autocomplete and lastfm-autocomplete jQuery plugin came up. It uses CORS to query directly. You can see the results on the Amuzi site or on the lastfm-autocopmlete live demo.

The code is available on GitHub dmelo/lastfm-autocomplete.


Some time ago I was using Drupal to keep this site/blog. Drupal is awesome, BUT… I like things simple and I’m a software developer, which means I proficient with tools like git, vim and markdown. I thought it would be much better if I were able to version the content of my site using git, edit it using vim and pushing the content live also using git. Markdown is intuitive enough.

While I was buiding the infra for that idea to work, I decided to make it so that others could just sign up and have their own environment, same way I have. Considering I already like to automate most of the things I do, I was smooth and fun to get it working.

The project is at MDownHost.Me. It is entirely free.


In 2005 I’ve become a Linux guy, finally joined the light. I have learned then, that you are better off knowing how to do things using the terminal, command line. The advantages?

Controlling the network connection is no exception. But regarding network, there is something more. I wanted something that doesn’t keep working on my back. I often use custom routing rules. Having NetworkManager re-checking and re-connecting on my behalf messed up my custom rules.

Moreover, the commands to stablish a wireless connection are tedious. The solution was to build VSWM – Very Simple Wireless Manager. It reads the file /etc/vswm.cfg for the wifi networks I known, perform a scan and connect to the first match. It does that and only that.

The project is open source and also available on GitHub dmelo/vswm.


During my undergraduate research, I have developed a robot soccer simulator for the MiroSot category with 3 players. The project is open source. It was first distributed on the USPDroids site. Later on I versioned with Git and put it on GitHub dmelo/uspds. There is also a video of the simulator running on Yoube USPDS.

I remember I had a really nice time developing the simulator. It happend around 2007 and 2008. I was young and naive. Instead of looking for a physics engine to use, I decided to build everything from the ground up. Altough that was foolish, I believe it was a great exercise. It got me envolved with a lot of code and I’ve got to interact with researchers from the physics department. That was when I started to admire the way physicists think.

After I left the USPDroids group, they worked on a version 2 of the USPDS, to improve usability mainly. You can see it working on the YouTube video USPDroids Soccer Simulator 2.